Opened in 2017 our absolutely stunning rural location makes the perfect peaceful backdrop for your pets Hydrotherapy and Physiotherapy rehabilitation treatments.
Our amazing and fully qualified team (Bethan and Evie) will use all their knowledge and expertise to get the very best results for your beloved pets.
Here we have spacious outside settings, with ample parking, and a dedicated fenced toilet area for your dog to use before their treatments commence. We have a centre that was specifically built and designed to be clean, spacious and easy to move around for both owners and their pets.
We have a state of the art HydroPhysio Underwater Treadmill Unit which we will use for the specific requirements relating to each case.
The ability to raise and lower the water level to target specific muscle groups and fully support your pet during their treatments ensures the very best rehabilitation outcomes for your pet.
You can be assured that a visit to our beautiful centre in Trellech will leave you feeling as relaxed and refreshed as your pet after their treatment.
We at Westmac have facilities to pre-shower and post-shower your dog in our mineral water which is drawn from source here on site.
Our bath is low to the floor so is perfect for any size dog or any condition which may hinder mobility that we may be treating here.
We have the facilities to offer a shampoo wash after treatment is finished and can also offer a blow dry if required.
Need to keep an eye on your dogs weight? No problem! we have a set of veterinary style scales just for the job.
We have a kitchen area so if you would like a tea, coffee or glass of fresh mineral water all you have do is ask!
We have installed a state of the art HydroPhysio machine.
This is the extended version which means that we can offer treatments for any size dog with ease.
The water is heated to 28 degrees to help improve blood flow and circulation.
The water is tested twice a day to ensure it is clean and safe for swims, the treadmill is cleaned after every animal to help allow for the best environment for you and your pet.
Sarah Price has her very own work space here at Westmac.
Sarah is a fully qualified MSc BSc(Hons) SRP Acpat CatA Physiotherapist. This means she is qualified to deal with humans, equine and small animals too, so she has a wealth of knowledge and experience.
Her work room here at Westmac is fully equipped with all her machinery, a walk up stairs and ramp for spacial awareness exercises, and a fold away examination table for her smaller clients. She also has access to our indoor arena for gait assessments and pole work.
Seating is available for owners so that they can be present for any treatments or exams.
There is a separate access door into Sarah's space if your dog would rather not see another dog working on the treadmill on its way in.
Based in rural Trellech, just 6 miles south of Monmouth, our spacious facility is surrounded by beautiful countryside. We are easily accessible from Chepstow, Abergavenny, Usk and Raglan as well.
There is plenty of space for both you and your pet to enjoy a wonderful experience.
A fully fenced in toilet area means that your dog doesn't have to stay on lead to do their business.
We operate a 1 to 1 appointment system.
We ask that all dogs remain on leads unless they are in the fenced toilet area to ensure the happiness and safety of all.
We ask that clients await their appointment time in their own vehicle, if you need assistance with your pet please don't hesitate to ask.
A video tour of our spacious centre
We are very fortunate in our Trellech branch to have our own private mineral water source.
This water is used in all of our water based therapies.
At the end of each aquatic treatment your pet will be washed and rinsed with our fresh mineral water.
Our water is heated to 28 degrees C to allow for maximum benefits of warming the muscles and increasing the circulation which is all proven to help aid healing and ease movement of stiff joints or limbs.
Our water is mildly sanitised and checked twice a day to ensure levels remain within a healthy norm. We use a mild water treatment system to help dogs who suffer with allergies or itchiness.
All dogs will receive a pre-swim shower, to remove any dirt or debris from the coat, and a post-swim shower to help warm down the muscles after workout.
Here's a little video showing you what to expect from our state of the art Underwater Treadmill.